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Cider Rating Review
Henney’s Dry Cider ★★☆☆☆ Acrid? Sour? Well it is “dry” so what do you expect
Henry Weston’s Vintage Cider ★★★★☆ Vintage cider: classic but my god is it strong
Joe’s Cider ★★★★☆ Clean and crisp but lacking pizazz
Old Rosie (cloudy) ★★★★☆ Classic cider. Dryish
Rattler Berry Cider ★★★☆☆ Lacking flavour, quite tarte
Rattler Pear Cider ★★★★★ Fresh and clean; sharp but not tarte
Wyldwood Organic Cider ★★★★☆ Very nice; like you remember cider was from summer holidays in Cornwall