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Preserved Lemons



  1. Put a teaspoon of salt in a sealable jar.
  2. Cut the top and tail nubs off of a lemon, then slice the lemons into quarters, leaving the ends attached so you’ve sliced just a little over 3/4 of the way.
  3. Pour a teaspoon of salt in to the quartered lemon
  4. Stuff the lemon in the jar, open end down. Squeeze the lemon until the juice comes out
  5. Put a teaspoon of salt on top of the lemon.
  6. Add more lemons until the jar is nearly full, then add another teaspoon of salt and top up with the sterilized water.
  7. Leave the jar at room temperature for 3 days, then put in the fridge for at least 3 weeks (make sure you date the jar!)
  8. When you use the lemons in a dish, remove the pulp (as it’s the peel that is used) and rinse the lemon to remove any excess salt.